Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Great Fellowship

Two of the cutest hobbits you will ever see!

Sharing the love of piano.

Best Bud's


What could be more fun than this?

I am so thankful for the fellowship we have with our friends and fellow homeschoolers. You may recognize them from the blog How Sweet the Sound. For many years I prayed that the Lord would send our way a family that lived close enough that we could have regular visits and that our children would get along and enjoy each others company. Add to that the wish that the Moms would also love to talk and spend time together and be able to encourage each other. Well, the Lord answered my prayer greater that I could have anticipated.....the other mom is also a preacher's wife and makes a good cup of coffee! God is good....He is so thoughtful of the little things that bring joy. (Like our book and movie collection and that with each visit we walk away with our own sack of borrowed books, audiobooks and dvds!)

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  1. We love you guys!

    It's such a blessing to have the fellowship, not just company, but Christian fellowship, where we can encourage each other and build each other up and strive for higher goals in our walks with the Lord. And don't we have fun? All w/o sheetrock putty, paint, or superglue!

    I just love the one of the babies. We'll have to save that for senior yearbooks!

  2. I agree, God is soo good. I know many homeschoolers that have to seek out homeschooling groups which can be fine but are a mixture of different religions and beliefs. I feel very thankful and never take it for granteed the fact that my entire church homeschools.. all of my friends are homeschoolers and all of our kids are close in age... We are truly blessed!
    Looks like the kids had a great time..

  3. God has given us all such awesome friends!! I love coming to your house. Because I know that I can talk with you and Mama, take a nap, drink a glass of sweet tea, play the piano or, maybe even wash my hair in my hair in the sink!You are such an awesome perso and I am so glad that God has given me such great examples!

  4. I am also very thankful for the gift of your friendship. We have prayed for each other through many things. I am thankful that our husbands are friends, too. Your family is very special to us!


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