Friday, June 18, 2010

The Potter Knows the Clay

Love this song and Kelsy does a wonderful job on it.

Update the post to include the lyrics, as requested, enjoy!
 The Potter Knows the Clay
by: The Perry's
I know you are going through the fire/
Its getting hard to stand the heat/
But even harder is the wondering/
Is God’s hand still on me/
Its lonely in the flames/
When you’re counting days of pain/
But the Potter knows the clay/
How much pressure it can take/
How many times around the wheel/
‘Til there’s submission to His will/
he’s planned a beautiful design/
but it’ll take some fire and time/
its gonna be okay/
‘cause the Potter knows the clay/

Friend I just came through that fire/
Not too very long ago/
And looking back I can see why/
And that my God was in control/
But on the hottest days I’d cry/
Oh Lord, isn’t it about time/


  1. Would you please put the words to this song in another post? What an encouraging message!

    I love you!

  2. Thank you, sweet friend. I am praying for our school year, and excited about all that the boys will be learning.

    Your blog is so pretty!

    I love you and miss you...

  3. Thank you for the prayers! I need them!

    I think you will love the MFW. I am so excited and Josh is too!!

    I love you and miss you too!

    Tell your big girls hello for me.

  4. Ohhh! My quartet sings that song! Love it.


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