Monday, July 23, 2012

He's Concerned About Me

I have always kind of felt that I just got in on the love of God in a corporate way, so to speak. I have asked my husband, years ago, that was there any way the he could believe that if I had been the only soul on this earth that  God would still have sent His son to die for me. I have always had a hard time thinking that he could love me that much. So, for those reasons I think that is why these lyrics speak to my soul. Perhaps they will to yours also.

He’s Concerned About Me
Kyla Rowland
Verse1: I am troubled today; May be troubled tomorrow
But I know of mercy and in whom I’ve believed
There is comfort and healing for all who believe Him
And through all my suffering He’s concerned about me
I am more precious than the lily; more than the sparrow
I know who I am and who bears all my sorrows
He is my good Shepherd who died for this lost sheep
He is my Father, He’s concerned about me
Verse 2: With so many children with so many problems
He still knows where I am and He’s touched with my need
I have the Father’s attention through my Holy Physician
Oh, it is amazing; His tender care of me
Repeat Chorus
Tag: I’ll take no thought for tomorrow; It’s in the hands of the Father
He loves me, He’s concerned about me

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I also received those incredible Kindergarten grids from that super kind and organized mom! They were awesome. Now I'm starting first grade and wanted to see if she had some first grade grids. Do you know if she does or have her email? (i lost it when I upgraded my computer!) Thank you!!! Great stuff!


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