Thursday, December 17, 2009


But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing.

And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed.

Yet count him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.

KJV 2nd Thessalonians Chapter 3 vs. 13-15

Last night Greg preached on verse 13 and I began reading over the rest of the chapter and those last two verses really stuck with me. I thought a lot about it. How many times do we join in with the brothers and sisters who are not obeying the word as to not make them feel bad? You know, just be passive and not stand on our convictions. I believe this way is a pressing way and that we should ever be striving to be more like Him. Some are farther than others in this journey and it is our duty to the one who saved us to ACT like we are HIS rather than giving in to the culture or wanting so much to fit in that we compromise on what His word has taught us. I don't want to back step, too much is at risk....the souls of my children and the lost loved ones I am in contact with. I don't want to seem unapproacable to them, but I do want them to know that I am not going to compromise. I remember hearing many preachers preach that there was a time when a lost person would cross the road in order not to have to walk past a saint of God just out of sheer embarassment by how they live. Now sinners and backsliders sit in our congregations and shake the preachers hand declaring how much they enjoyed the service. Where is the conviction? If we are saved we MUST be set apart enough for them to know there is a difference. But there is a balance, we don't want to seem pious, we must be humble and extend the grace that God has given us to others. Wow, what a responsibility!

Precious Lord, please help me find that balance and let my life be so that others really want what I have in you.


  1. Beautiful children, yes we are to be humble and extend love for even Jesus sat with the sinners( He came for those and we once were them) its not always where we are but how we act!

  2. Well put, my friend, and I LOVE the pictures. Just beautiful!


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