I love Monday mornings, I think I am strange, especially after reading the news-feed on Facebook. And I guess if I was having to leave my home and family for the next five days I might not like it either. But here, Mondays are a fresh start to a new week, they hold promise, routine returns. I love it.
Living in a state of gratitude is life changing. It is fresh, like His mercies renewing every morning. It can make the ugly smaller when you try to find the beauty.
Oh, I'm not living in dream land. I have struggled with some disappointments and worries just this weekend. But, I have noticed that when I focus on thankfulness I do not have to let those things suck the life out of me.
Recognizing the moments, fleeting, and fully living in them.
So much to be thankful for.
100. Sounds of a houseful of love
101. Wild laughter from the kitchen
102. the twinkle in his eyes ♥
103. the warmth in his voice ♥
104. perseverance
105. sparkling clean sink ☺
106. prayer
107. my sweet man (from 102 & 103) who smiles and winks as he helps me with laundry. ♥
The Bloom Book club had the first video up yesterday with Ann Voskamp, author of One Thousand Gifts. Oh my, that first chapter is hard, but hearing her tell the story.....wordless....

What a beautiful list...#106 - prayer. I cannot imagine where my life would be without it! Have a great day...Mary